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Penile curvature is most often caused by Peyronie’s disease. Microtrauma to penile tissues cause formations of scars and adhesions and result in a curved penis when erect to such an extent that sexual activity is hindered. Treatment for penile curvature is possible thanks to injection of collagenase, an enzyme that softens the thickened tissue. A second option is a surgery procedure, which involves cutting out thickened tissues and placing supporting sutures on the opposite side.
Straightening of penile curvature with collagenase consists of injecting the thickened tunica albuginea with collagenase preparation. It is necessary to perform several cycles of treatment, including two injections and one penile straightening procedure. A single procedure lasts for several minutes and the whole therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. On the other hand, surgical treatment of penile curvature involves performing the procedure under anaesthesia and requires an all-day stay in the clinic. During the surgery, scarred and thickened tissues of the corpora cavernosa of the penis are cut out. Then, strengthening sutures are placed on the side of the penis opposite to the location of thickening. Thanks to that, the penis remains in the desired position.




Surgical treatment is another answer to the question of how to straighten the penis. This surgical treatment for penile curvature involves performing a Nesbit penile straightening procedure or performing a tissue transplant. Nesbit procedure involves excision of a small section of the penile tunica albuginea on the opposite side to thickened, abnormal tunica albuginea on the dorsal surface of the penis. Transverse suturing of the wound edges is then performed. On the opposite side to the thickening caused by Peyronie’s disease special sutures are placed. In about 2 months these sutures are covered with new tissue, which supports the penis in the proper position. The procedure is performed after injecting saline solution into the corpora cavernosa. The effect of such a procedure is penile straightening. The procedure takes about several dozen minutes and is performed under topical or intravenous anaesthesia.
Another way is with the use of a transplant. During the procedure incisions are made in the place of penile curvature. Fragments of thickened tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa may also be removed. Then, “patches” made of the Patient’s skin or fascia are sewn in the treatment site.
After the surgical penile curvature straightening, the Patient may feel pain, swelling and redness in the treatment site. The recovery process takes about 2 weeks. During this time, the Patient should avoid physical activity, swimming in a pool, using a solarium or a sauna. He should maintain special hygiene of intimate parts and wear loose and airy underwear and trousers. A return to sexual activity is possible after 6 weeks.



Peyronie’s disease may be treated with injections of collagenase. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down hardened collagen fibres, which enables softening of adhesions and scars formed within the tunica albuginea. Collagenase is available as an injectable solution. It is extracted from selected strains of Clostridium histolyticum. Topical application of collagenase, i.e. an enzyme that breaks down abnormal collagen structure, effectively reduces such symptoms of Peyronie’s disease as penile curvature and pain.
Collagenase preparations should be injected by a physician only into the hardened connective tissue plaques. The procedure can of course be preceded by topical anaesthesia. The entire treatment consists of a maximum of four cycles. Each of these cycles includes two injections of a preparation containing collagenase and a penile shaping procedure. First, the Patient receives the first injection of the preparation containing collagenase into the tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa. The second injection is performed after a maximum of three days. After another two-three days a penile straightening procedure is performed. Cycles are repeated every six weeks.
High effectiveness of collagenase preparations has been confirmed in clinical trials. The effect of treatment with the collagenase preparation is noticeable reduction in penile deformity, and the effects look better with each subsequent administration. If after the first treatment cycle, straightening of the penile curvature by at least 15 degrees is not achieved, then the collagenase treatment should be discontinued and the Patient should undergo surgical treatment.


Peyronie’s disease is hardening of the penile corpora cavernosa of a progressive nature. Within the penile tunica albuginea surrounding each corpus cavernosum, connective tissue plaques develop. As they accumulate in the penile tissues, a progressive bending of the penis occurs. This is noticeable during an erection. In addition, pain may occur, and in some cases intercourse is impossible.
Penile curvature in the course of Peyronie’s disease can be very severe. A lot of men wonder “why is my penis bent?”. A lot of men experience a slight upward, downward or sideways curvature of the penis. However, this does not negatively affect the ability to achieve an erection and the ability to have sexual intercourse. Such anatomical curvature of the penis is not accompanied by pain. However, in the course of Peyronie’s disease, scar tissue is so problematic that the penis curvature takes a significant degree.
Peyronie’s disease may affect a few percent of men and affects not only their physical, but also their mental well-being. The inability to have sexual intercourse is very frustrating and can affect the relationship between partners. Therefore, it is important to apply effective treatment, which allows for reducing annoying symptoms of the disease. Ultimately, it is possible to get rid of penile curvature and pain, and return to your former successful sex life.


The effect of penile straightening with collagenase is gradual restoration of the optimum penile position. The procedure has high effectiveness: each cycle allows for obtaining satisfactory results. We can expect correction of the penile curvature by at least 15 degrees. Failure to achieve such an effect is an indication to discontinue the collagenase therapy and undertake surgical intervention. In case of surgical penile straightening, a satisfactory effect can be achieved after one procedure. The risk of penile curvature recurrence is low, especially in those Patients in whom the causes of Peyronie’s disease have been identified and eliminated. None of the treatments for penile curvature should adversely affect the ability to achieve an erection.


Peyronie’s disease is hardening of the penile corpora cavernosa of a progressive nature. Within the penile tunica albuginea surrounding each corpus cavernosum, connective tissue plaques develop. As they accumulate in the penile tissues, a progressive bending of the penis occurs. This is noticeable during an erection. In addition, pain may occur, and in some cases intercourse is impossible.

Penile curvature in the course of Peyronie’s disease can be very severe. A lot of men wonder “why is my penis bent?”. A lot of men experience a slight upward, downward or sideways curvature of the penis. However, this does not negatively affect the ability to achieve an erection and the ability to have sexual intercourse. Such anatomical curvature of the penis is not accompanied by pain. However, in the course of Peyronie’s disease, scar tissue is so problematic that the penis curvature takes a significant degree.

Peyronie’s disease may affect a few percent of men and affects not only their physical, but also their mental well-being. The inability to have sexual intercourse is very frustrating and can affect the relationship between partners. Therefore, it is important to apply effective treatment, which allows for reducing annoying symptoms of the disease. Ultimately, it is possible to get rid of penile curvature and pain, and return to your former successful sex life.


Przyczyny choroby Peyroniego są nie do końca poznane. Na pewno do rozwoju tej uciążliwej choroby i powstania tkanki bliznowatej zbudowanej przez blaszki łącznotkankowe wpływ mają mikrourazy błony białawej. Mogą one powstawać podczas współżycia i mogą pozostawać niezauważalne, gdyż ich powstaniu nie musi towarzyszyć silny ból. Powstałe w ten sposób niewielkie blizny sprzyjają pojawieniu się zgrubień, guzków, a także ograniczają przepływ krwi przez tkanki prącia. Zgrubienie i tkanka bliznowata prowadzą do postępującego zakrzywiania się penisa. Do powstania blizn w obrębie otoczki białawej może także dojść w efekcie urazów dotyczących miednicy mniejszej lub zabiegów operacyjnych.
Kolejną przyczyną choroby Peyroniego może być współwystępowanie miażdżycy, nadciśnienia tętniczego czy cukrzycy. Schorzenia te oddziałują w niekorzystny sposób na naczynia krwionośne, ograniczając dopływ krwi do tkanek i hamując procesy regeneracyjne. Do rozwoju choroby Peyroniego może także dojść w efekcie nawracających infekcji cewki moczowej, reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów czy kolagenozy. I wreszcie – wykazano związek między rozwojem choroby Peyroniego a paleniem papierosów, spożywaniem alkoholu oraz zażywaniem beta blokerów. Nie bez znaczenia są także predyspozycje genetyczne.
Wymienione czynniki mogą generować stan zapalny w obrębie otoczki białawej ciał jamistych, któremu towarzyszy pobudzenie aktywności fibroblastów. W efekcie dochodzi do przebudowy osłonki białawej, jej pogrubienia i utraty elastyczności. Finalnie powstaje nieelastyczna, gruba tkanka bliznowata.



Our clinic was established in 2005, which has allowed us to gain extensive experience. We have already performed over 35,000 treatments. Our metamorphoses are known as the most spectacular in Poland. We can easily create very natural or extremely expressive effects for you.


At Princesse® we use only the highest quality preparations coming directly from the manufacturers. The high quality of services is confirmed by over 800 customer opinions collected on Booksy and Facebook, the average of which is 5/5.


In our treatments, we focus on strict adherence to procedures - regardless of which of our locations you choose, you will encounter the same advanced treatment techniques, which is due to our central training center for employees and very high staff requirements.


Princesse® is a modern aesthetic medicine clinic and training centre. It was established in 2005. Thanks to extensive experience and over 35,000 procedures performed to date, we have been able to select only the best procedures and equipment.
Princesse® employs highly specialised medical and cosmetology staff, who continue to improve their skills by participating in seminars and conferences devoted to the fields they practice, both in Poland and worldwide.
At Princesse®, we focus on naturalness and perfection as well as spectacular effects presented by models and celebrities. We believe that aesthetic medicine procedures are meant not to be a disguise, but to emphasise and highlight the strengths that each of us has.





Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10.00 AM-6.00 PM

Sat-Sun: closed


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are disabled-friendly.

Address in Warsaw:

Warsaw, Włochy

ul. Instalatorów 5a/U2

02-237 Warsaw

Address in Wroclaw:

Wrocław, Krzyki

ul. Rymarska 14

53-206 Wrocław

Address in Cracow:

Cracow, Old Town

ul. Józefa Dietla 50/15

31-039 Cracow


Trams no. 18, 22, 52.


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